Accepted Papers > Browse by author > Bouhafs Mohamed

Comparative numerical analysis of various geometric configurations of a two-dimensional heat sink.
Ikram Djellid  1@  , Noureddine Bouhamri, Mohamed Bouhafs, Ikram Boualem, Faycal Bouzit@

Comparative numerical analysis of the thermal and hydraulic performance of a turbulent flow of incompressible air through a heat sink plat pin-fin (PPFHS) of circular and semi-circular, with and without baffles. The K-ε model was used for numerical calculations of the geometric configuration of this 2D heat sink to see the influence of geometry on heat dissipation with a change in velocity from 6.5 m/s to 12.2 m/s. The results show a 51% improvement in thermal resistance of the semi-circular PPFHS with baffles compared with the circular PPFHS.

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