Accepted Papers > Browse by author > Benfekir Abderrahim

A Discrete Event Simulation Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Renewable Energy System
Abderrahim Benfekir  1  , Benarbia Taha  1  
1 : universit Oran-2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, IMSI

With penury natural resources, rising energy costs, increasing traffic congestion, and environmental pollution, many cities. hybrid energy systems hold the potential for increasing energy efficiency, decreasing costs of energy use, decreasing the carbon footprint by including renewable resources, and trans-forming the role of the occupant. At the crux of the hybrid system is an efficient electric energy management system that is enabled by emerging technologies in the electricity grid and consumer electronics. In this paper, we will propose a methodology for the management and control of energy that we are proposed a discrete event system for modeling based on Petri Nets approach capable to management via calls of public Network in the case of need and manage the surplus of renewable energy.

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