Optimization of the surface condition of the bonding zone of a bonded assembly
Abdelaziz Touati Benali  1@  , Habib Achache  2  , Leila Belkhodja  3  , Bachir Bachir Bouiadjra  2  , Abdelkader Benaicha  1  , Noureddine Benefissa  1  , Bel Abbes Bachir Bouiadjra  2  
3 : IMSI, UO2, Oran

 The bonding area is the critical interface where the adhesive is applied to join two plates or surfaces. The shape and size of this area directly influence the strength and rigidity of the assembly. This article presents a comparative study of the shapes of the bonding area to assemble two 2024 aluminum plates for simulation using Abaqus 6.17 software. The objective is to determine the effect of the bonding area geometry on the force-displacement curve to define a better contact surface for bonding the plates under tensile load. To optimize the assembly, we identified correlations between the bonding area surface S and the tensile modulus E of four adhesives using Modde5 software.

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